Reclaiming Your Basement By Waterproofing The Walls And Foundation

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Gardening With The Best Of Them

After I purchased my first home, I realized that I wanted to spend my spring and summer outside in my garden. After I prepared the soil, I headed to the garden center to buy a few seeds. Unfortunately, after all of my crops were planted, I didn't really know how to keep them alive. I seemed to be overwatering and under nurturing, which was a problem. I had to learn how to garden effectively, but it took a long time to figure everything out. This blog is all about gardening with the best of them, even if you are a novice. Check out this blog for tips that might help you to churn out an incredible crop.

Reclaiming Your Basement By Waterproofing The Walls And Foundation

1 June 2019
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Water infiltration in basements is not uncommon, especially if your home is in an area where it rains a lot or you have a high water table. Water can seep in through the concrete walls or blocks and cause damage to the contents of the basement, as well as to the concrete itself. Waterproofing the basement can help you lock the water out and take back that space in your home.

Interior Waterproofing

In some houses, the water leaking into the basement is very slight and sealing the walls from the inside is enough to remedy the problem. A good waterproofing paint applied to the walls from top to bottom is often enough and once the waterproofing is dry, you can paint over it with an interior paint that helps finish the room. Some waterproof paints are available in colors, but check with the paint supplier if you want a waterproofing paint that you can tint or add custom colors to. 

Exterior Waterproofing

If you have an extensive problem with water making its way into the basement, you may need to have a contractor come and waterproof the walls from the outside. The exterior waterproofing stops the water before it gets into the concrete or block wall, protecting the structural integrity of the material. The process can be a big job, but the right contractor will be able to take care of it in a few days time.

Excavating the Walls

The first thing that needs to happen is the removal of the soil around the foundation walls so that the crew can get to the concrete. It may be done by hand or with a small excavator, but the contractor will dig a trench all the way around the home so that they can get to the entire foundation. Once the walls are exposed, waterproofing is applied to the entire service and allowed to cure. 

Adding a Drain

The soil is not put back in place until the paint is dry and the contractor is sure the soil will not damage the surface. In many cases, the contractor may recommend a drain pipe and gravel around the entire house to carry the water away, making the waterproofing more effective by limiting the exposure to water as much as possible. Installing a drain before the soil goes back into the hole is a good time to do it. If will add a little cost to the job but is the most effective way to keep the water out of your basement for good.

Contact a basement waterproofing service for more help.