Recoup The Costs For A New Fireplace With The Right Features In Mind

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After I purchased my first home, I realized that I wanted to spend my spring and summer outside in my garden. After I prepared the soil, I headed to the garden center to buy a few seeds. Unfortunately, after all of my crops were planted, I didn't really know how to keep them alive. I seemed to be overwatering and under nurturing, which was a problem. I had to learn how to garden effectively, but it took a long time to figure everything out. This blog is all about gardening with the best of them, even if you are a novice. Check out this blog for tips that might help you to churn out an incredible crop.

Recoup The Costs For A New Fireplace With The Right Features In Mind

22 February 2021
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Installing a fireplace in your home can be a wonderful way to stay cozy indoors during the winter. When your home doesn't already have a fireplace, you're likely curious what will come with having one installed. Since you don't want to turn away potential buyers or unable to recoup the cost of the project when it's time to sell your home, the following tips can help you make the right decision.

Stick with a Classic Style

With so many options for fireplaces, their mantles, and other decorative details, you need to see what styles will appeal to the most general buyer. Brick can be a timeless option that can suit different decorating styles, making it the perfect material to include when beginning the design process for the fireplace.

Looking at recent trends can be an excellent guide to see what buyers are looking for in homes, but if you're not looking to sell your home soon, it's best to pick a classic style that will appeal to buyers later.

Carefully Choose the Location

The room to install the fireplace in can make an enormous difference in whether it adds the value that you expect to your home. Typically, the value of your home will increase the most by the fireplace being in a high-traffic area that you spend a lot of time in.

The family room, dining room, and even a master bedroom can all be excellent options for rooms where the fireplace can be a natural addition. The size of your home and the layout of different rooms can also help point you towards the right location of where the fireplace should be. A home visit from the contractor can help you make the right decision on a location for the fireplace.

Prioritize Energy Efficiency

When you intend on selling your home in the future, it becomes even more important to get a fireplace that is energy efficient. Not only will this save you money when using the fireplace, but it can also make sure that the fireplace isn't a detriment to buyers rather than being a selling point.

Natural gas fireplaces are typically the most energy efficient and can be a major selling point to prospective buyers when you list your home because of their ease of use compared to wood-burning fireplaces.

When you're planning to get a fireplace for your home, the above tips can help you make the best decision for your home and ensure that you get your money worth.